Glossary on air pollution


Most of the terms used in the air pollution literature come from a wide range of disciplines – particularly chemistry, meteorology, physics, and numerous branches of engineering and technology. Added to these are new terms that have been coined solely for use in air pollution work. All too frequently, terms that may appear to be commonly known are in fact not known with their correct meanings: such terms are consequently used incorrectly and interdisciplinary communication is hindered. The WHO Regional Office for Europe therefore considered it useful to produce a glossary on air pollution that would, as far as possible, reflect internationally standardized terminology, as a contribution to greater understanding between air pollution workers and specialists in the different technical disciplines involved. The definitions of chemical terms are largely in accordance with those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. A large number of definitions are quoted verbatim from standard vocabularies published by the following international organizations: International Commission of Radiation Units and Measurements; International Electrotechnical Commission; International Organization for Standardization; International Organization of Legal Metrology; and World Meteorological Organization. Numerous terms, particularly those that are used only in air pollution studies, have not yet been defined by an authoritative international body at the time of writing. For such terms, the definitions and the terms themselves are based on prevailing international usage.

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