Performance and emission analysis of an internal combustion engine with hydroxy gas assist

This research paper, published in Materials Today, combines theoretical and practical experimentations in the field of efficiency of combustion engines, with the purpose of reducing emissions, improving fuel economy, and reducing operating expenses. The claims made in the paper include significant improvement, due to hydroxy gas assist, in the thermal efficiency of the engine supplemented […]

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Hydrogen premix technology has come a long way with miniaturisation, IOT, and AI now built in!

ANTISMOG’s hydrogen premix technology has come a long way. Our customers, as well as our customers’ customers, benefit greatly from the technological developments, such as miniaturisation, that differentiate today’s carbon-cleaning machines from the contraptions of the early days of hydrogen premix. The three innovative concepts pursued by ANTISMOG are Miniaturisation; Additional functionality based on IoT; […]

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Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on performance and exhaust emissions in compression ignition engines

To study the effect of hydrogen premix on exhaust emissions and fuel consumption, hydroxy gas (HHO) was produced by the electrolysis process of different electrolytes (KOH(aq), NaOH(aq), NaCl(aq)) with various electrode designs in a leak proof plexiglass reactor (hydrogen generator). Hydroxy gas was used as a supplementary fuel in a four cylinder, four stroke, compression […]

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What are the benefits of ANTISMOG hydrogen premix technology for garages?

ANTISMOG hydrogen carbon-cleaning system, based on hydrogen premix core technology, delivers tangible benefits to garage owners. The unique advantages of ANTISMOG’s offering are: Additional revenue for the Garages; Consistent, verifiable vehicle performance improvements; No CAPEX, no OPEX; Increased Customer loyalty; Additional revenue with no additional manpower ANTISMOG C-600 machine is a revenue generator for the […]

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Experimental studies hydrogen premix on the effect of TBC piston in a dual-fuel diesel engine

Oxy-hydrogen gas (HHO) is a carbon-clean alternative fuel like hydrogen and is composed of hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio of 2:1. The significant properties of hydrogen (which is present in HHO) such as high octane rating, better mixing characteristics, high diffusivity, high flame speed also ensure its possible use to run a compression ignition […]

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How to verify that the C-600 machine has an active license

How can garage mechanics or fleet owners verify that the C-600 machine has an active license? The status of the license is shown in the bottom-right corner of the mini-display, located in the centre of the control panel. Position of mini-display on the control panel: Position of C-600 active license status indicator in the mini-display: […]

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Garages capitalise on the benefits of hydrogen premix technology fully unlocking the preventive maintenance concept

The carbon-cleaning service offering was launched in 2021, with the idea of sharing widely the benefits of hydrogen premix technology with the Mobility sector. The early adopters among garage mechanics took the concept on board and partnered with ANTISMOG to offer this innovative service to their clients. Based on the feedback from 150+ garages in […]

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Hydrogen will help Saudi Green Initiative reduce CO2 footprint by 109 tonnes – equivalent to planting over 4000 trees every year!

The positive impact of ANTISMOG hydrogen premix technology is most pronounced when a large fleet of heavy machinery, such as the mechanisms used in the oil&gas industry in Saudi dunes, is subjected to a robust preventive maintenance routine using ANTISMOG open-source 4-step process. Hydrogen technology is at the focus of the Saudi Green Initiative. In […]

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KEOLIS ponders on cutting its fleet CO2 emissions equal to planting a new forest the size of Monaco every year!

Emissions reduction on an unprecedented scale – equal to planting a new forest the size of Monaco every year – can be achieved by Keolis by adopting hydrogen premix preventive maintenance methodology. Not only this technology will reduce emissions from the existing fleet of busses, but also save Keolis €7.6 million per year in operating […]

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B-1 controller installed 👩‍🏭 and operational

The mighty PWM controller is fully installed, connected to the 12 V battery power, control signals, and the electrolyser cell. No tuning by the installer is required. All configuration of the B-1 kit is performed automatically at the first start and adjusted in full-auto mode during the normal operation. B-1.12 HHO Gas Generator is a […]

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