Hydrogen will help Saudi Green Initiative reduce CO2 footprint by 109 tonnes – equivalent to planting over 4000 trees every year!

The positive impact of ANTISMOG hydrogen premix technology is most pronounced when a large fleet of heavy machinery, such as the mechanisms used in the oil&gas industry in Saudi dunes, is subjected to a robust preventive maintenance routine using ANTISMOG open-source 4-step process. Hydrogen technology is at the focus of the Saudi Green Initiative. In […]

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KEOLIS ponders on cutting its fleet CO2 emissions equal to planting a new forest the size of Monaco every year!

Emissions reduction on an unprecedented scale – equal to planting a new forest the size of Monaco every year – can be achieved by Keolis by adopting hydrogen premix preventive maintenance methodology. Not only this technology will reduce emissions from the existing fleet of busses, but also save Keolis €7.6 million per year in operating […]

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Aéroports Côte d’Azur becomes first carbon-neutral airport group in France

This case study is about a major airport using hydrogen technology to reduce its carbon footprint and achieve a prestigious environmental accreditation. According to French Civil Aviation Authority, until recently, there has never been such a high level of mobilisation relating to sustainable development in the air transport industry. The last few years saw projects [...]Read MoreCategory: Case StudiesTagged , ,